Home > Advance directives (ADs)

Advance directives (ADs)

Law 219 of 22 December 2017, “Regulations on Informed Consent and Advance Directives”, introduced and developed important tools for patients’ self-determination in their own treatment pathway, including Advance Directives (ADs): provisions through which any person of legal age and capacity, in anticipation of a possible future incapacity to self-determine, may express their wishes regarding health treatments, as well as consent or refusal with respect to diagnostic tests or therapeutic choices and to individual health treatments, and also indicate a person of their choice to take their place and represent them in relations with the doctor and health facilities.

With the regional resolution DGRT 16 of 2020, the collection of ADs at healthcare facilities was regulated: starting in June 2021, it will be possible to deliver ADs at the dedicated counters, where copies of the ADs presented by citizens will be acquired and registered in the regional database, and transferred to the national database set up at the Ministry of Health.

Below are the dedicated points with opening hours and access procedures, where citizens may apply to deliver their AD (drawn up on plain paper or on the forms made available by the region and by ethics committees) or submit revocation or request for modification of already registered ADs.

For more detailed information on the nature of the AD, its characteristics, its general principles, and the regulatory and ethical sources, it is advisable to consult the  website of the Tuscany Region (where you can also find the appropriate forms).




Below are the offices dedicated to ADs within the two facilities.

SAN CATALDO HOSPITAL -CNR – Pisa: Ground floor from Monday to Friday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, following an appointment made by telephone or email.

  • Basra Mohamed Salah: 050/3152494 and 050/3158150; dat@ftgm.it
  • Santarlasci Claudia: 050/3153230; dat@ftgm.it
  • Taddei Claudia: 050/3153230 and 050/3158150; dat@ftgm.it

OSPEDALE DEL CUORE di Massa: PRO Office, 1st floorfrom Monday to Friday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, following an appointment made by telephone or e-mail.

  • Donnini Elisabetta: 0585/483662; dat@ftgm.it
  • Porcu Biagio: 0585/483667; dat@ftgm.it
  • Ricci Ivana: 0585/483667; dat@ftgm.it