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“AIDE”. Associazione Italiana Dislipidemie Ereditarie

The AIDE association was founded on 20/01/2001 by a small group of patients suffering from familial hypercholesterolaemia, with the aim of bringing the serious problems related to this disease to the attention of citizens and institutions.


The association’s greatest commitment is to promote a culture of prevention in order to reduce the risks of serious complications due to underestimation of this metabolic dysfunction. Even today, unfortunately, many people arrive “too late” at a diagnosis of the disease, very often already with active complications and serious risks to their lives.
At the same time, the association advocates the right of access, for all citizens suffering from this disease, to the treatments that the scientific community makes available, appealing to the institutions to encourage the establishment of new specialised diagnostic centres and a different approach by general practitioners.


In Pisa, the “Fondazione CNR/Regione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio” has developed the “Regional Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Dyslipidaemias” and is a reference point for this pathology. We can proudly say that the AIDE association has strongly contributed to this positive result.

Associazione un cuore un mondo


AIDE onlus
Associazione Italiana Dislipidemie Ereditarie
Via dell’Arno, 18 – 56021 Cascina (PI)
Tel. 050-742882 cell. 333-5957949
E-mail: salvinif@interfree.it 
Fiscal code: 90029210508