Research and innovation
Research that cures
Multi-disciplinarity. This is the keyword that describes how we carry out research at the Monasterio Foundation. Multidisciplinary is the context: doctors, researchers and technicians who combine clinical and research activities in different areas, sharing information and experience.
Multidisciplinary is the approach: from molecular biology to experimental and clinical medicine, epidemiology and technological innovation in the healthcare process, always considering the body as a single entity and always putting the person at the centre. The components of molecular medicine, bioengineering and information technology (which has implemented a “paperless hospital” with fully digital medical records since 1998) are an indispensable part of this process.
Each department and unit pursues, alongside care-related objectives, research projects on the pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment of pathologies subject to clinical or diagnostic evaluation, primarily cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, but also (in relation to advanced imaging diagnostics) neoplastic and neurological diseases.
The scientific production of the Monasterio Foundation has been consolidated over the years and covers various disciplinary areas.
(Publications by subject areas – period 2017/2018)