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Research support

  • Integrative, innovative imaging
    From conventional approaches based on MRI, CT and Nuclear medicine imaging translational multidisciplinary research is dedicated to establish novel approaches for studying cardiac structure, metabolism and function as well as coronary artery anatomy and myocardial perfusion both in adult and paediatric patients.
  • Biomarkers in cardiovascular medicine: towards a precision cardiology
    Integrated approach to diagnostics through development and clinical validation of new biomarkers of the genetic background and of pathophysiological processes involved in aging and different diseases, including ischemic heart disease, heart failure, amyloidosis.
  • Neurohormonal control of the cardiovascular system
    Starting from studies on healthy subjects either in physiological conditions or under the effects of risk factors, these lines of research move towards patients, namely affected by heart dysfunction & failure, to look for a deeper insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease and search for new therapeutical targets.
  • Novel therapeutic targets and tools
    From our pathophysiological research, identification of novel pathways, surgical approaches and assessment of novel and nonconventional therapeutic tools, including new implantable devices through percutaneous or minimally invasive approaches, new biomaterials, nanostructured functional materials and novel drug delivery agents.
  • Health science: the third translational research block
    Practice-based medical and nursing research to translate distilled knowledge from literature and guidelines and systematic reviews to day-to-day clinical care, i.e. dissemination and implementation research for health system redesign.
  • Information and technology communication (ICT) for healthcare & epidemiology
    Data-flow management, AI, and epidemiological register activities (e.g. Montignoso cohort and the Tuscany rare diseases registry), exploiting electronic clinical records, signals and images, aimed at supporting diagnosis, government, and spreading of information towards the citizen and GP-hospital network.