Support the Monasterio Foundation
Why your support
outpatient services
What you can do to help the Monasterio Foundation
Make a donation
You can support the activities of the Monasterio by making a donation.
Donations can be made to the current account of the Monasterio Foundation, (reason for donation “Fund for charitable donations”, indicating any specific purpose), or by contacting our contact persons, or by visiting our offices:
Massa Hospital
via Aurelia Sud 54100 Massa (First floor) – Elisabetta Donnini (Tel. 0585/483662)
Pisa Hospital
Research Area CNR via Moruzzi, 1 (Ground floor) – Francesca Boni (Tel. 050/3153380)
Management office
Via Trieste, 41 – U.O. Affari Generali e Legali (tel. 050/3153731)
At the time of donation you can indicate your preference regarding the destination of the donated funds.
You will be updated on the use of the donated funds.
How to make a donation
The donation must be made to the bank account or postal current account in the name of the Monasterio Foundation:
- bank account: IBAN IT86 K030 6914 0101 0000 0300 009
- postal current account: IBAN IT23T0760114000000001310085
What you need to do
Simply enter the tax code of the Monasterio 93062260505 in the box “Funding for scientific research and the university” of the tax return, and affix your signature.
Thanks to your contribution, our hospitals will be able to provide the best care for adults and children.
Allocating your 5×1000 does not involve any expense.
It is a tax quota that the State renounces and that does not replace the 8×1000.
How you can work with the Foundation
How you can work with the Foundation
he Monasterio encourages collaborative relationships and partnerships with both public and private entities interested in promoting and supporting the research and innovation programmes that are an integral part of its activity. Particular attention is paid to innovative projects in the paediatric field.
We are aimed at individual entrepreneurs (including tradesmen), companies, firms, associations, foundations, entities, cooperatives, consortia (including temporary ones) and institutions in general, in whatever form established, public or private, based in Italy or abroad, in possession of the general requirements to be able to enter into contracts with the Public Administration.
We activate collaborations through:
- Collaboration or partnership relations for the purpose of granting the Monasterio logo, for the carrying out of initiatives, also of a commercial nature, and/or events aimed at the dissemination of good practices and lifestyles or aimed at spreading awareness of the health activities carried out by the organisation.
- Declaration of willingness to enter into sponsorship contracts for initiatives, events, projects that Fondazione Monasterio may possibly carry out in the future.
> Notice of Expression of Interest
> Facsimile for Expression of Interest