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“Rosa Pristina” Foundation

The “Rosa Pristina” Foundation is a philanthropic organisation, which pursues social, humanitarian and research purposes, operating in particular in the fields of care, health and education.

Thanks to the efforts of “Rosa Pristina”, whose intentions and philosophy are particularly in line with the aims and the “modus operandi” of the Monasterio Foundation, a Collaboration Framework Agreement was drawn up, which then “twinned” a number of Implementation Agreements, all united by the desire to improve the health conditions of young heart patients in disadvantaged countries, by supporting the diagnostic and interventional activities of the specialists of Massa Heart Hospital.

To date, four Implementing Agreements have been signed and are operational:

  • “Una Rosa per Un Piccolo Cuore” (“A Rose for a Small Heart”) which provides for interventions in disadvantaged countries both through missions of specialised heart surgery teams and on-site training, and through the transfer of young cardiac patients to the Ospedale del Cuore for the provision of the necessary care;
  • “Una Rosa per l’Accoglienza” (“A Rose for Hospitality”) aimed at supporting the Monasterio Foundation’s ability to welcome young patients and their parents by upgrading a guesthouse in the grounds of the Massa Ospedale del Cuore;
  • “Una Rosa tra le sponde dell’Adriatico” (“A Rose between the shores of the Adriatic”) to strengthen the Ospedale del Cuore’s link and support to the Scutari diagnostic centre, the only Albanian centre capable of diagnosing heart disease in the pre-natal period, including by upgrading its diagnostic equipment;
  • “Una Rosa per Domani” (“A Rose for Tomorrow”) to support the advanced training in research that the Monasterio Foundation shares with the Scuola Superiore di Studi e di Perfezionamento ‘Sant’Anna’ in Pisa, specifically in the Postgraduate Course in Translational Medicine and the new PhD Course in Health Science, Technology and Management.

The support received by the Rosa Pristina Foundation has been essential to guarantee the best care to many young patients who, otherwise, would not have had the opportunity to benefit from it.


Rosa pristina