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Adult Cardiac Surgery Unit


The Adult Cardiac Surgery Unit offers safe and effective solutions to heart diseases that require surgical correction.
It boasts a multi-year tradition and an internationally recognised leadership for the development and teaching of the most advanced minimally invasive techniques. minimally invasive techniques.

Major milestones.

Over 1000 major cardiac surgeries per year, with results that are among the best in Europe, especially considering the high risk profile and complexity of the cases treated.

Useful numbers

0585 483617
0585 483658
Unified Booking Centre (CUP)   
0585 483576
Public Relations Office (URP)   
0585 483662

Research and scientific activity


The Unit is involved in numerous international research projects recognised and awarded by the scientific community. It is an integral part of the university training network and promotes fellowships in the field of high specialisation in cardiac surgery.




Write us via the online form

You can contact Monasterio Foundation for information on its activities, to get an orientation or to seek specialists. You can also write us for suggestions or feedback on your experience with the Foundation.


    URP - Public Relations Office