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Universities and Research Institutions

What we do and our collaborations

At the Monasterio Foundation, research has a multidisciplinary scope and approach: from molecular biology to experimental and clinical medicine, epidemiology and technological innovation in the healthcare process. The various units, in parallel with clinical activities, are actively engaged in research projects on pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment of pathologies under clinical or diagnostic evaluation.

Research at the Monasterio Foundation is developed across thematic areas in which collaboration with research organisations and universities is often a key element for the success of projects.
In the field of research activities, the Monasterio Foundation has consolidated and productive collaborations with various national and international research organisations, including the CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology and with universities, in particular the University of Pisa, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Scuola Normale Superiore.

Specialised training is one of the Monasterio Foundation’s vocations and, as part of its collaboration with universities, there are several training activities proposed for students and doctors in specialised training, as well as joint initiatives for the organisation of Master’s degrees and higher education courses.


Researchers and experts: why join the Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio

The adoption of the regulations for affiliation to the Fondazione Toscana G. Monasterio makes it possible to regulate the contribution of researchers and experts, including foreign ones, to the research activities of the Foundation.

How to go about it? Interested parties must submit a written application to the Managing Director, indicating the research programme they intend to carry out and the essential elements for evaluating it (scope, duration, etc.).

The request must include:

  • an up-to-date CV;
  • the certificate of good standing of the administration to which they belong.

> Download the guidelines


Monasterio Foundation San Cataldo Hospital, Pisa
Fondazione Monasterio Ospedale del Cuore, Massa

Useful information in view of admission to one of the Monasterio Foundation’s facilities, both for emergency and planned admissions: access, reception, hospitalisation regulations and routines.


Useful information for visiting patients: timetables and how to behave.

Useful information in view of a day hospital in our facilities.


Everything you need to know to book an outpatient visit: contacts, necessary documents, services available, information on reports.

No results found.

The effectiveness of what we do is attested every day by
our patients and the people who work with us. The data, however, also help to tell the story of our work.  They bear witness to a way of conducting Research and Care that makes the Monasterio Foundation a Tuscan and Italian benchmark of excellence

Cardiological interventions


2019: second italian centre

source AGENAS

Recurrence rate


2019: against a national average of 10,98%

source Laboratorio MeS for Regione Toscana

Complexity index of case studies


2019: against a national average of 6,4

source Pro-safe “Istituto M.Negri” for Gruppo Italiano Valutazione Interventi Terapia Intensiva

Write us via the online form

You can contact Monasterio Foundation for information on its activities, to get an orientation or to seek specialists. You can also write us for suggestions or feedback on your experience with the Foundation.


    URP - Public Relations Office