Home > La diagnostica della cardiopatia ischemica cronica in Europa alla luce delle Linee Guida ESC 2019 e dei recenti trial: i dati del registro EURECA

La diagnostica della cardiopatia ischemica cronica in Europa alla luce delle Linee Guida ESC 2019 e dei recenti trial: i dati del registro EURECA

“La diagnostica della cardiopatia ischemica cronica in Europa alla luce delle Linee Guida ESC 2019 e dei recenti trial: i dati del registro EURECA”.

Il seminario, che si svolgerà mercoledì 13 Ottobre, dalle ore 15 alle 17, sarà tenuto Dr. Danilo Neglia e moderato dal Dr. Filippo Cademartiri e dalla Dr.ssa Alessia Gimelli.

La giornata prevede un aggiornamento sull’utilizzo delle metodiche di imaging cardiologico nella diagnostica della cardiopatia ischemica, la presentazione delle linee guida ESC 2019, dei benefici e dei limiti dell’uso dell’imaging non invasivo e invasivo in pazienti con angina stabile.

L’evento si terrà in presenza, nell’aula 27, e webinar, per chi non potesse essere presente.

Qui c’è il link per la registrazione al webinar, oppure è possibile registrarsi scrivendo a questo indirizzo: formazione@ftgm.it.

Qui c’è il programma.

Il corso è accreditato per 2 crediti ECM per medici e infermieri.

Ischemic heart disease still represents a major cause of death in European countries and a relevant driver of sanitary costs. In patients with chronic coronary syndromes (CCS) the increasing and variable use of cardiovascular imaging and of invasive procedures is relevant because it affects patient management, outcome and may induce unnecessary costs. The 2019 ESC guidelines for the management of CCS provided a scientifically updated framework for a more uniform, appropriate and effective utilization of imaging in the diagnostic process of coronary artery disease.

As part of the ESC scientific policy, the EURObservation Research Program (EORP) promotes international registries aimed at evaluating the implementation of ESC guidelines in the real world. The ESC-EORP EURECA Registry started in September 2019 and up to March 2021 enrolled 5156 patients in 73 tertiary Centers in 24 ESC member or affiliated countries aiming at assessing the implementation of ESC CCS Guidelines. In particular the use of cardiovascular imaging and invasive procedures in the diagnostic process and for early management of patients with CCS were evaluated. The results have been presented in the “Late Breaking Science” session of the 2021 ESC congress. The main conclusions was that in this large population of patients with stable angina the use of cardiac imaging tests is still frequently non-adherent to GLs. Stress ECG and ICA are performed instead of non-invasive imaging in a substantial proportion of patients. In the 50% of patients in whom the diagnostic process was not adherent to GLs, higher and inappropriate referral to ICA and a higher proportion of angiographies were observed. The main issues causing non adherence as well as the impact on costs and outcome will be evaluated in the Follow-up EURECA study.

FTGM is the Institution of one of the two International EURECA Coordinators (Dr. Danilo Neglia, FTGM, Pisa and Dr.ssa Victoria Delgado LUMC, Leiden) and of the Italian EURECA Coordinator (Dr.ssa Alessia Gimelli, FTGM, Pisa).

On next October 13th, the EURECA results will be discussed in the context of current Guidelines and recent imaging trials in CCS.

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